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#identity of generation

 The body of work is a sonde into specific questions about relationships of present generation called Millennials that is affected by positive outlook on communication, medias and digital technologies. I depict lives of young people that are creating multicultural coexistence in current society that is built on communication in digital space. I point out differences in interhuman relationships that are results of new possibilities and ways of communicating and meeting new people. The change that occurred in society with the arrival of new digital technologies brought new ways of creating relationships and after that it influenced the ways how couples capture their relationships. I am pondering about importance of photography as a medium for sharing specific information in current world that is filled with visual images. In digital world, everybody is becoming an author and spectator all at once. Where the borders between private and public are lost and photography is taking over important part in our lives.

Instalation - 2019, Stredoeuropsky dom Fotofrafie, Bratislava, Slovakia 

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